ALIM Web Help

To Export a Dashboard Report

You can create a PDF from any report that appears on the ALIM Web Dashboard. You can also export the data from the report, into a .CSV file for further manipulation or use in other applications.

Follow these steps to export a Dashboard report from ALIM Web.

  1. Open the Dashboard.
  2. Locate the report for which you want to export.
  3. Select the export list, and then select Export chart in PDF. For example,

    A dialog appears, prompting you want to save the file.

  4. Save the report. A PDF of the current chart is created.
  5. To export the data in the report to a CSV file, select the export list, and then select Export tabular data. For example,

    A dialog appears, prompting you to save the file.

    Note: This option only appears for Documents or Tags reports in which filtering has been applied.
    Note: User permission validation is applied when accessing detailed row-level information.
    Save the report. A CSV containing the data in the current report, is created. See CSV File Contents to view which information is included in the CSV output file.